Rational Youth
One of the most iconic names in the history of synth pop is Rational Youth. They were pioneers when formed in 1981 and the debutalbum Cold War Night Life from 1982 is regarded a milestone of the genre. Earlier this summer the band (which today consists of original member Tracy Howe and wife Gaenor) released the critically acclaimed EP Future Past Tense, which they will follow with a few gigs during the autumn in Europe.
We are very proud to announce that Rational Youth will perform in Halmstad on October 15th, as part of the exclusive European Tour.
Rational Youth on Bandcamp, Spotify (SE), iTunes (SE)
Paul Rein
He’s the only scandinavian artist that was included in the classic Max Mix-series and the album Communicate from 1986 could be considered as THE Swedish eurodisco-album and is obviously celebrating 30th Anniversary this year.
Paul Rein has been busy writing and producing songs for other artists (yes, he topped the US chart with Christina Aguilera in 2000), but now it’s time to reunite with the past – for the first time ”ever” (since 1987 it is) he will perform his classic euro/hi-nrg-hits, in Halmstad, in October. Be there!
Paul Rein på Spotify och iTunes
Some thing are more obvious than others, and the fact that ItaLove will be performing at Kajskjulet in October is one of them.
They’re already big in Mexico, where they will attend a huge stage event in 2017. But first they will work on conquering their native country of Sweden. Last year’s singles Too Late To Cry and We Don’t Care climbed the Swedish charts and we are promised to have ourselves an album during 2016. ”A delicious update on the italo sound” was the opinion in national media after Italo Disco Party in Stockholm last year, and we just have to agree on that. Welcome to Halmstad; Blix, Dr Mateo and Dave LaRoxx!
ItaLove on Spotify (SE), iTunes (SE) and YouTube
Richard Flow (of Vision Talk)
Richard Flow – ”The Voice of Vision Talk”, will deliver an exclusive set of Vision Talk-classics. Vision Talk was one of the most obvious acts to perform on BeatboxLive, as they represent the whole idea of the concept – the hybrid of synthpop and italo! They were the first act to be presented, already in March, but Krister Peterssons tragic death a couple weeks later changed everything, R.I.P Krister.
But there’s one thing for certain, since Dina tankar was meant to be performed at BeatboxLive, it will!
Vision Talk on Spotify and iTunes
I call them ”the synth pop legends of the forest”, but that doesn’t sound much selling, does it? Nevertheless, there’s new material expected from the pioneers in Candide, and only that little detail can make one long for October even more.
This is the band that was formed already in 1984, but didn’t release their debutsingle until almost 30 years later. But, not least, they released the best song of 2014 according to Beatbox.se, and they will of course be performing at BeatboxLive.
– ”Du bränner mig” (Best Song of 2014) on Spotify (SE).
– ”Änglar” (The debut single from 2013) on Spotify (SE).
– Candide’s webpage (with additional links).
Modiga Agenter
Modiga Agenter describes their music as ”popmusic with synthesizers”, and yes, that suits us quite well, doesn’t it? Fredrik Andreasson and Jonas Kapla released their debutalbum ”Ett tu tre” in 2010, and from the start, and from a personal view I loved the way they sounded as a mix between Style and Saft, both great favorite bands of mine.
Since then we’ve had the EP:s 2001 and Bermudatriangeln and at the moment they are recording a new EP which will be released before October. Recently we also heard their remix of Vogon Poetry’s Moments, a brilliant piece of art.
– Modiga Agenter on Facebook, Spotify and iTunes.
Electric City Cowboys
This might be a band that’s quite a new acquaintance for most of us. Electric City Cowboys, based in Karlshamn, Blekinge describes their music as ”rak och enkel syntpop som är lättlyssnad” (Sounds best in Swedish…), and the big goal of creating music for these guys is to get the audience in good spirits. Simple as that, and just the way we want it at BeatboxLive!
The band has played together since 2012, and have released a couple of EP:s – the latest one, Spinning around, earlier this spring. And now, we will be able to meet them on stage. In October, in Halmstad. Be there!
– Website: ecc-official.com
– Electric City Cowboys on Facebook, Spotify and iTunes
And here’s ”The making of Fly With Me” on YouTube:
Vision Talk
Tyvärr så nåddes vi tisdagen den 9 mars av beskedet att Krister Krycko Pettersson, ena halvan av Vision Talk, vilka presenterades här nedan som första artist, hade avlidit. Det är med stor sorg i hjärtat som vi sörjer en vän, en entusiast och en musiker av stora mått. Detta innebär naturligtvis att det inte blir någon konsert med Vision Talk i oktober, men jag kommer låta nedanstående presentation stå kvar.
Det är nu sju år sedan vi först hörde av Vision Talk, och för min del var det i form av singeln Dina tankar. Jag påstår inte att jag egentligen hade koll på alla band som fanns vid den tiden, men för mig så fyllde Vision Talk ett tomrum. När debutalbumet Dirty Italo Disco sedan dök upp, så fanns det ju helt plötsligt en etikett på tomrummet som de fyllde.
Under åren som har gått sedan dess så har bandet både ökat och minskat i storlek, lagt ner och startat om, de har gått över till att mer eller mindre uteslutande sjunga på engelska, och de har också gått mot ett ’synthigare’ sound.