Min lista: Ken Laszlo | Hey Hey Guy #2 totalt - Torrevado | Living In The Shuttle #19 totalt Koto ...
Min lista: Koto | Visitors #5 totalt - Den Harrow | Bad Boy #14 totalt Scotch - Loving Is Easy...
Min lista: - Roy | Destiny Time #4 totalt Radiorama | Vampires #21 totalt Jock Hattle Band | To Be...
Att säga detta brukar framkalla ångest hos vissa, medan andra fylls av en romantisk värme. Så se upp. Nu...
This is bryllyant... The more or less iconic German synthpop act Boytronic is finally back, and for me who hasn't that...
Make way for a Swedish-Italian collaboration, but no disco ;-) Here's Kirlian Camera with Eskil Simonsson of Covenant on guest vocals. Damn, this is how I want...